Friday, September 4, 2015

Oops....I forgot I had this Blog

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I forgot I at one point in time made a blog that was suppose to be dedicated to fashion and style and all that jazz. Now that i'm "Adulting" in the real world I've had to devote my time to less computer browsing and more working and paying bills. It sucks being an adult sometimes but finding this blog got me thinking, maybe I should come back to this blog (and my art blog that I've neglected but not as much as this one). IDK we'll see how this goes ?
Random updates on my LIFE
I got married in April to my boyfriend of 2 years Casey. Me and Casey have known each other since we were 16. We went to the same high school (He graduated 07 I graduated 08) We took our parents and a couple sibling to the courthouse and got hitched. We'll have a "real wedding" later on after life calms down. 

I also got a new job I am now the Director of Marketing at Billwood Properties.