Friday, May 22, 2009

oMG . . . up up and AWAY 2morrow !

So. . . 2morrow me and 2 of my friends will be boarding a plane to FLORDa ! I'm sooo excited, I can finally get that tan that I need and relax . . .b4 summer classes start. OHHHHH the pictures I will take in fLORDA shall be EP!c. OHHH the fun shall also be even more eP!C HMMMMMMM! I even curled my hair for such an ocassion, even though I know its just going to get ruined shortly after I get there but I DON't CaRE ! FUN FUN FUN !

The wORLD is sunny right now without a cloud in sight! hAPPY hAPPY JOy JOy . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

sUNGLASSES: My New Obsession

pURLPE HEARTs . . . . teheeee . . . . LOVE EM !
YELLLOw. . . .

"Poker Face" . . .bLACK . . . .

rED . . . . .

PURPLe . . . . .

What happens when you don't have a sunglasses case . . . . . .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


ITS hard to see,but . . .musical note soffe shorts,a long grey cardigan, & the "poker face" glasses . . . .
. . . .DETAIL . . . . teheeeee . . . . .

FUNKY black peasant top & black straw fedora . . . yes . . pretty sweet !

HAPPY yellow sunglasses . . . yea MODEL PIC !

AWSOME long black SKIRT . . . yea it makes you wanna dance . . .

CUTE short blue dress. . . . my and my bff looked forever for this . . . LoL


SOOOO . . .today I decided that I was unique enough that I could share my "personal style" with the world . . .hmmmmm Today I went shopping for summer clothes because that stupid FRESHMEN15 came creeping up on me during the year. Luckily I noticed b4 it was too late and started going to the gym. OH I got such cute stuff 2day! I LOVE CLOTHES!